Stacey's Space

In cyber-space, hitting the space bar, I needed a space. Welcome to my place in space....Welcome to Stacey's Space!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

It's All About the Names

I think I have got down a good 70% of my students names...and they're not easy...I have six Jessicas, two Stephanies, and two Codys. I have one of each of the following Shunita, Karam, Antwonicqua, Shaquila, Shaneikwa, an Naajee. Don't ask for the pronouncations...I'm still working on that myself.

I am settling in and starting to feel comfortable, overwhelmed, but comfortable none the less. Wanting so bad to be "the best teacher" and teach the students revelant information, I struggle with lessons and planning, wanting only to bring to them the absolute perfect lessons that will spark their ambition and cause them to probe deeper and further...

Today I read them two stories Sel Silversteins The Giving Tree and Spencer Johnson's The Precious Present. Then we compared and contrasted the two. It was really good and the students seemed to really grasp onto the concepts.

One other final thought, as I peer over the pile of highlighters and post-it notes that my students had on their supply list, next year I will give each class different supplies to bring, as I am pleasantly amazed at those who broght in extras.


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