Stacey's Space

In cyber-space, hitting the space bar, I needed a space. Welcome to my place in space....Welcome to Stacey's Space!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Things That Make Me Go Hmmmmm


A special thanks to Misty who took me up on the offer to receive a personalized blog topic of said choice...

Now, on with the list of things that make ME go hmmmmmmmm:

~~"private" cell phone conversations while in line at the grocery store, working out at the gym, and in the stacks of books at the library

~~people who slam on their brakes after they pass a stopped police car

~~switching lines several times in the grocery store in attempt to be in the fastest line, only to get out of the parking lot to sit in traffic

~~people who let their children, who can't even speak yet, answer the telephone

~~parents who take little-league t-ball seriously

~~the sound I make when talking to someone on the phone while secretly blogging "hmmmmm, that's interesting"

~~the fact that my husband can purchase tickets to the cubs game online, get there on time, and enjoy the game, but can't seem to make and show-up at his own dental appointments

~~if you sneeze to hard you really can fracture your rib

~~there are people in churches across America moving away from God, while there are people sitting in a bar right now moving towards God

~~not getting what I want, not wanting what I get, getting what I don't want, and wanting what I don't get

~~spongebob squarepants

~~do we really need another star wars/lord of the rings prequill, sequel, mekwill type thingy

~~toys for newborn babies

~~Yo, MTV cribs...a bunch of thug rappers who got lucky, are making millions of dollars, are wasting it away on frivolity, and are complete idiots and don't have any respect for the things they provoke our youth to want to be just like them

~~I've never seen a #1 pencil, and I've looked

~~of course, my high school theme song by C&C Music Factory

~~and finally, this picture, which I starred at for several minutes trying to figure out and going "hmmmmmm" "hmmm hmmm hmm hmm hmmm"

There you have it Misty. I hope I haven't let you down and you laughed a good amount of your fanny off...or at least pretend like you like it, so I can continue to be the glorious writer of blogs that I am. OK...who is gonna be next????


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